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Don't Bore Us Get to The Chorus

Psychology Today July/August 2020 pp24-25. POV|Creativity “The Best Advice Ever” “Wisdom is best imparted through creativity-like writing poetry or composing music. It makes life more meaningful” by Shelley Carson, Ph.D.

Good “how to” piece on sharing your heartfelt wisdom without being a bore.

We all have a unique perspective “How you interpret the body of experience and knowledge that you’ve acquired, your one-of-a-kind wisdom, is vitally important”. Besides potentially helping those you love and others, “people actually benefit more from giving advice than from receiving it” and considering that using a creative medium is most effective in conveying your message don’t fret “you don’t need to be born talented to be creative”. “Talent can be developed” and becoming proficient is incremental so consider this a “work-in-progress” until “you hone your expertise”.

Starting pointers

1) Be brief and be gone so to speak. Create a phrase no longer than a sentence. Example “Remember that everything you do is choice”.

2) Be positive. “Your message should be positive, or at least not negative in its wording”. Example. “Good things can come out of bad”.

3) Larger than yourself. Your message should have relevance beyond your unique experience. Example. “Whatever you want, don’t put it off; do it now”.

Rendering such condensed wisdom may “sound trite” but “that doesn’t make it any less important”.


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