The Economist |Bartleby|”The new office etiquette” “The pandemic requires some changes in workplace customs”
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Been a while, been a while since most have worked regularly in the office and post-COVID some norms have changed.
“Don’t tell others about your exotic holidays.” Most having led a quiet and boring life staring out their household window, they don’t want to hear how you managed to steal away to some fantastic locale.
“By the same token, don’t humble-brag” like I taught my kids nuclear physics during the hiatus all from our modest confines.
“Don’t come to the office with a cold.” What was once a kind-of corporate badge of honor is no more. Although a common cold is far less dangerous than COVID, everyone now knows one can work just fine from home. Not nice to run the risk of transmitting what ails you to your valued colleagues.
“Be hygienic.” Keep working surfaces etc. and your hands clean as we are now better aware of how infectious diseases spread.
“Clear your desk every evening” with more space-sharing or “hotdesking” as they call it “don’t leave behind soft-drink cans, bicycle helmets, crucial memos, etc, for the cleaner or the next occupant to deal with.” Personal lockers may be needed for each individual’s store.
“Don’t stand so close to me.” Social distancing is now well known to prevent the spread of respiratory pathogens so stay less than three feet for sure.
“Keep your voice down.” Intuitively we might have recognized this but experts claim that colleagues speaking on telecons or Zoom speak about 15% louder, so return to office with your more soft-spoken self.
“Don’t dress too informally.” “Dress down Fridays have become an everyday occurrence” but guys should avoid the “shorts-and-sandals” combination.
“Do be tolerant of nervous colleagues.” Some may be slow to return to office but give then time and don’t shortchange them on telecons and Zoom etc. Lastly, most will avoid handshaking and hugs “when they see you again.”