Father's Day-Remembering Harold Edward "Al" Stene (1921-2000) on Father's Day 2022. Taken May 1945 in Minneapolis. Al's mother Hanna Naemi Svantesdotter Anderson (Age 58, 1886-1951), Al's Fiancé Edie Mae Schwab (Age 18, 1926-2012), Al (Age 24) and Hans Eliasen Stene (Age 58, 1887-1954).
Hanna immigrated from Jung, Sweden in 1908 and Hans immigrated from Steinsgrenda, Norway in 1908. Hans met Hanna at a dance in Minneapolis.
On shore leave from the USS Greenling (SS-213) Harold met Edie at a USO dance at Del Monte Beach in Monterey. Edie, the President of the Sinatra club at Monterey High, impressed Harold. He was persistent, she couldn't remember his name but referred to him as Al.
For Harold, at the time of this picture, while still in the Navy, the hard times were behind him-friendly ship collision near the Aleutian Islands, Pearl Harbor, pursuing enemy ships on board a submarine and being pursued and depth-charged repeatedly. A stand-up guy, reserved mostly, loved golf, get-togethers and was well-liked by all. As a father, typical of the era, the guy behind the newspaper, steady, supportive but not overbearing. In later years, they lived in La Selva Beach, my Dad and I walked that beach together many times. Gone but not forgotten, grateful.