Texas High School Basketball-Westlake down by one after the first quarter fell behind by 16 at the half 23-39 to Stony Point. Stony Point's 2024/2025 team is deep, fast and taller in the backcourt compared to Westlake. Stony Point constantly rotated players leveraging their deep bench to maintain a pressuring defense. Westlake mostly managed Stony Point's aggressive man-to-man defense but had some turnovers when double-teamed in the half court leading to some breakways. As play went on Stony Point got second and third chances on offense, they were hitting threes and making free throws while Westlake had cold shooting from three and at the free throw line. Westlake was only outscored by four in the second half making the final score 45-65. Above #24 Jack Seiders a 6'7" Sr. Forward wins the jump.

#24 Jack Seiders

#24 Jack Seiders

#3 Hunter Davis

#23 Alex Allen

#23 Alex Allen

#23 Alex Allen

#10 Jake Campbell