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Willie Mays-#24 Greatest Of All Time

Charles Hoff/Getty Images.

Mays' leaping catch of a Duke Snider drive. As a boy I was lucky to see the Giants-Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Juan Marichal, Jim Davenport and others up-close at Candlestick. To put a modern day comparison, in my view, Mays can be compared to Roger Federer in their intuition, balance and seemingly effortless actions. They don't make it look easy as much as they make it look like ballet in all skills. For Mays, at the plate, running to first, stealing bases, fielding all inspiring. Mays, in the batter's box, much like Carl Lewis in the starting blocks, at the 84' Olympics (Los Angeles), would appear the winner even to the untrained eye.

Obviously a great snapshot. Love the view of the bleacher fans. These are the low-priced but not cheap seats.


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